Dream Team General Liability Waiver (18 & Under)
I represent that I am a legal, responsible adult. I represent and warrant that I am signing this document for my student as to any facility usage on Restoration Church property or during any activity that we are involved with off of the church property.
I am fully aware of the risks and dangers of such usage. I understand that any activity that we are involved with off of the church property is voluntary, at our own risk, and that Restoration Church is not responsible in any manner for our usage or any personal injury or property damage we sustain as a result of the usage of any such facility.
I further understand that I am solely responsible for any personal injury or property damage we cause as a result of the usage of any such facility. I acknowledge that there is a risk that, by using the facility, I or my student, could contract a dangerous virus or other health condition, and that I accept this risk and nonetheless voluntarily choose to use the facility or participate in off-site activities with Restoration Church.
I understand and agree that my name below represents a signature on behalf of myself and of my student, if applicable: