We LOVE kids here at Restoration!

From weekly Kid’s programs to special events such at Kid’s Summer Program, Movie Nights, Glow-In-The-Dark Egg Hunts, Trunk or Treat, and so much more…. we are ALWAYS looking for ways to provide SAFE, FUN environments for our kids.

WHAT TO EXPECT: All our kid programs are run by incredible staff & volunteers who have gone through background checks & training. Your kid’s safety is our #1 PRIORITY!


Our weekly RE:Kid’s program happens on Sunday morning’s at 11AM during our main service. During RE:KIDS, your kiddos will sing, dance, hear a cool Bible story, build crafts and have a blast learning about Jesus!



What We Value

Creative Biblical Teaching

The Bible is the most amazing book ever written! And we strive to bring its stories to life through activities and discussions that keep students engaged. We want all students to love God’s Word and understand the value of applying it to their lives.

Small-Group Relationships

As students build relationships with leaders and other students, they gain the support and confidence to grow in their faith. When you commit to attending the same service each week, your student will be surrounded by a small group full of familiar faces.

Age-Appropriate Learning

Our environments and lessons are intentionally designed for your child to understand. We’re so passionate about supporting them in each stage of life that we provide RE:Kids options through 5th grade during our weekend experiences..


Safety is one of our highest priorities. That’s why you’ll receive a unique parent identification number each time you check in. Additionally, every volunteer is screened and participates in a background check. You may also notice that our hallways are monitored by security during each experience.


When students have fun at church, they can’t wait to come back! And we know they’ll have fun each week as they learn about who God is through games, activities, small groups, and video teaching.


All of our RE:Kids volunteers must have been attending Restoration Church for a minimum of 3 months, must fill out a volunteer form, and undergo a background check. Volunteers must adhere to Restoration Church policies and procedures for the safety of the children. If you are interested in volunteering in one of our RE:Kids programs you can sign up HERE