So That … God’s Gift
Today's reading is like a small Gospel capsule. It summarizes God's intentions in sending Jesus to the earth. Jesus, who never sinned, not even once, would go to the cross and bear the sins of the world.
Why would the innocent suffer for the guilty? We get the answer in this verse. It's the "so that" phrase. It was so that we might become the righteousness of God. Why is that important? If we are ever to reconnect with God, we must deal with sin. God dealt with sin once and for all through Jesus.
When given a gift, the bigger the gift, the greater the gratitude, right? This Gospel, the gift of salvation, is the greatest gift we could ever receive. What should our response be each day to this amazing gift? How could we show gratitude for such a gracious God? What should our actions look like today to say thank you to our loving God?
Today might be a busy day with lots to do, but remember to take the time to sharpen the ax, metaphorically. If you'll quiet your heart and spend time with God at the start of your day, you'll slice through this day much better than if you didn't take time with God!
Prayer: Lord, help me to set aside all the things that I need to do today. Help me to focus on Your truths and open my heart to what You may say to me. Keep my thoughts on You without distraction. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen.
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. - 2 Corinthians 5:21